Figure 4A

# Enrique Blanco Carmona
# PhD Student – Clinical Bioinformatics
# Division of Pediatric Neurooncology (B062)
# DKFZ-KiTZ | Germany

# Read in metadata.
metadata <-"/omics/odcf/analysis/OE0145_projects/idh_gliomas/Figures_Science/revision/IDH_gliomas_book/datasets/paired_samples_metadata.xlsx"))

# Define colors.
yes_no_colors <- c("Yes" = "#1b4965", 
                   "No"  = "#98b9cd")

colors.use <- list("IDH mutated" = yes_no_colors,
                   "1p/19q codeletion" = yes_no_colors,
                   "MGMT methylated" = yes_no_colors,
                   "Treatment" = c("Primary sample" = "#854785", 
                                   "None"           = "#8a817c",
                                   "RT"             = "#dda15e", 
                                   "TMZ"            = "#3a5a40", 
                                   "TMZ and RT"     = "#903738"),
                   "TMZ cycles" = c("0"  = "#cdd3e5", 
                                    "5"  = "#a8dadc", 
                                    "8"  = "#457b9d", 
                                    "12" = "#465686"),
                   "Diagnosis" = c("Oligodendroglioma" = "#3c5b8b", 
                                   "Astrocytoma"       = "#b38b14", 
                                   "sGBM"              = "#14b363"),
                   "Sex" = c("Male"   = "#723d46", 
                             "Female" = "#af9d6a"),
                   "Grade" = c("Grade 2" = "#1a7d9e", 
                               "Grade 3" = "#9e1a3b", 
                               "Grade 4" = "#576e12"),
                   "Relapse status" = c("Primary" = "#ee9b00", 
                                        "Relapse" = "#9b2226"),
                   "Patient" = c("IDH_NCH557"  =  "#5b859e", 
                                 "IDH_NCH758A" =  "#1e395f", 
                                 "IDH_NCH511B" =  "#75884b", 
                                 "IDH_NCH678K" =  "#1e5a46", 
                                 "IDH_NCH302"  =  "#df8d71", 
                                 "IDH_NCH645"  =  "#af4f2f", 
                                 "IDH_NCH988"  =  "#d48f90", 
                                 "IDH_NCH2375" =  "#732f30", 
                                 "IDH_NCH740W" =  "#ab84a5", 
                                 "IDH_NCH2367" =  "#59385c", 
                                 "IDH_NCH673D" =  "#d8b847", 
                                 "IDH_NCH2260" =  "#b38711"),
                   "Pair" = c("6" = "#eb7926",
                              "5" = "#ffbb44",
                              "4" = "#859b6c",
                              "3" = "#62929a",
                              "2" = "#004f63",
                              "1" = "#122451"))

# Process metadata.
rownames(metadata) <- metadata$Samples
metadata$Samples <- NULL
metadata <- metadata %>% 
            dplyr::mutate_all(.funs = function(x){ifelse(x == "NA", NA, x)})  %>% 
            dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c(names(colors.use), "Pair"))) %>% 
            dplyr::mutate("IDH mutated" = factor(.data$`IDH mutated`, levels = c("Yes", "No")),
                          "1p/19q codeletion" = factor(.data$`1p/19q codeletion`, levels = c("Yes", "No")),
                          "MGMT methylated" = factor(.data$`MGMT methylated`, levels = c("Yes", "No")),
                          "Treatment" = factor(.data$Treatment, levels = c("Primary sample", "RT", "TMZ", "TMZ and RT", "None")),
                          "TMZ cycles" = factor(.data$`TMZ cycles`, levels = c("0", "5", "8", "12")),
                          "Diagnosis" = factor(.data$Diagnosis, levels = c("Astrocytoma", "sGBM")),
                          "Sex" = factor(.data$Sex, levels = c("Female", "Male")),
                          "Grade" = factor(.data$Grade, levels = c("Grade 2", "Grade 3", "Grade 4")),
                          "Relapse status" = factor(.data$`Relapse status`, levels = c("Primary", "Relapse")),
                          "Patient" = factor(.data$Patient, levels = c("IDH_NCH557",
                                                                       "IDH_NCH302" , 
                                                                       "IDH_NCH645" , 
                                                                       "IDH_NCH988" , 
                          "Pair" = factor(.data$Pair, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))) %>% 
rownames(metadata) <- metadata$Patient

# Plot.
p <- SCpubr::do_MetadataPlot(from_df = TRUE,
                             df = metadata,
                             legend.ncol = 1,
                             colors.use = colors.use,
                             axis.text.face = "plain", 
                             font.size = 20, 
                             legend.font.size = 20, 
                             legend.symbol.size = 8,
                             cluster = FALSE,
                             legend.position = "right") &
p <- p + patchwork::plot_annotation(theme = ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0, r = 40, l = 0, b = 0)))