Quality control

# Enrique Blanco Carmona
# e.blancocarmona@kitz-heidelberg.de
# PhD Student – Clinical Bioinformatics
# Division of Pediatric Neurooncology (B062)
# DKFZ-KiTZ | Germany


# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# All the following code including doublet detection has to be run
# for each sample individually.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Global parameters. Used throughout the whole analysis.
sample_name <- "" # Name of the sample.

# Load samples.
mt_pattern <- "^MT-"
sample_path <- "" # Path to where the count matrix from cellranger (either filtered or raw, your choice) is located.

# Read the count matrix and generate a Seurat object.
sample <- Seurat::Read10X(data.dir = sample_path) %>%
            Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(project = sample_name, min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)

# Compute percentage of mitochondrial RNA in the cells.
sample[["percent.mt"]] <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(object = sample,
                                                       pattern = mt_pattern)

# Perform QC on the sample.
# Get cutoffs.
counts_lower_cutoff <- 1000 # Minimum amount of UMIs per cell.
genes_lower_cutoff <- 500 # Minimum amount of genes per cell.
mito_higher_cutoff <- 5 # Maximum amount of mitochondrial RNA per cell.

# Generate the first subset.
count_mask <- sample$nCount_RNA > counts_lower_cutoff
gene_mask <- sample$nFeature_RNA > genes_lower_cutoff
mito_mask <- sample$percent.mt < mito_higher_cutoff
mask <- count_mask & gene_mask & mito_mask
sample <- sample[, mask] # Subset the sample.

# Upper cutoffs are determined by the mean and standard deviation of the remaining cells.
counts_higher_cutoff <- mean(sample$nCount_RNA) + 3 * stats::sd(sample$nCount_RNA)
genes_higher_cutoff <- mean(sample$nFeature_RNA) + 3 * stats::sd(sample$nFeature_RNA)

# Second subset based on the mean and standard deviation of the remaining cells.
count_mask <- sample$nCount_RNA < counts_higher_cutoff
gene_mask <- sample$nFeature_RNA < genes_higher_cutoff
mask <- count_mask & gene_mask
sample <- sample[, mask] # Subset the sample.