Permutation testing

# Enrique Blanco Carmona
# PhD Student – Clinical Bioinformatics
# Division of Pediatric Neurooncology (B062)
# DKFZ-KiTZ | Germany

#' Retrieve statistically enriched cells for a list of genes in gradient-like enrichment cases.
#' Designed for 10X datasets. The following analysis aims to find a way to statistically select the cells that are truly enriched in a list of marker genes.
#' For this, a permutation analysis approach is followed, in which we compute a null distribution by shuffling the expression values
#' of the genes queried for enrichment. Therefore, this disrupts the equation for the enrichment scores, since they are, in short,
#' the result of the difference in means between the expression values of the genes queried (which we disrupted) and the control
#' selected randomly by the function. This is done until we have one million values, which would act as the null distribution.
#' Once we have a null distribution and an empirical one, we can assess how extreme our values in the empirical distribution are with
#' respect to the values in the null distribution, being the p-value the proportion of values in the null distribution that are higher
#' than the given value from the empirical distribution you are querying. These p-values are, then, adjusted for multiple testing, selecting
#' a FDR cutoff of 0.05/n, being n the total number of lists of marker genes we are going to query to the same cells and use altogether
#' to define a labeling (for instance, if we query two lists for the same tumor bulk, it would be 0.05/2). This is doing to avoid
#' over inflation of the alpha error. Special thanks to Martin Sils for double checking the statistical part of the function.
#' Estimated running time: 15 minutes.
#' @param sample Seurat object.
#' @param input_gene_list Named list of marker genes. Can contain multiple lists, the important point here is that each list has to be named.
#' @param compute_enrichment Whether to compute the enrichment scores for the requested list of genes using \link[Seurat]{AddModuleScore}.
#' @param FDR_cutoff FDR cutoff to apply (ranging from 0 to 1).
#' @param idents.use Identities to include in the analysis.
#' @param Variable you want the cells to be colored for in the output DimPlot.
#' @param colors.use Vector of named HEX values to color the cells. It has to match the number of unique values in either `Seurat::Idents(sample)` or the variable.
#' @param verbose Defaults to TRUE. It will provide different print statements. Progress bars can not be suppressed by this.
#' @return A list containing the plots and the surpassed cells, together with the p-value matrix.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' TBD
#' }
do_GradientSelection <- function(sample,
                                 assay = "SCT",
                                 slot = "data",
                        = NULL,
                                 colors.use = NULL,
                                 FDR_cutoff = 0.05 / length(names(input_gene_list)),
                                 verbose = T,
                                 nbin = 24,
                                 ctrl = 100,
                                 font.size = 14,
                                 font.type = "sans",
                                 legend.position = "bottom",
                                 use_viridis = TRUE,
                                 viridis_color_map = "G",
                                 viridis_direction = 1,
                                 sequential.palette = "YlGnBu",
                                 sequential_direction = -1){

  # Checks for packages.
  #check_suggests(function_name = "do_GradientSelection")

  # Check if the sample provided is a Seurat object.
  #check_Seurat(sample = sample)

  # Define pipe operator internally.
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`

  # If the user has provided a color list.
  if (!is.null(colors.use)){

  if (is.null({
    sample$ <- Seurat::Idents(sample) <- ""

  list.out <- list()
  if (isTRUE(verbose)){message(paste("Computing enrichment scores..."))}
  out <- SCpubr::do_EnrichmentHeatmap(sample = sample,
                                      input_gene_list = input_gene_list,
                                      flavor = "Seurat",
                                      nbin = nbin,
                                      ctrl = ctrl,
                                      return_object = TRUE,
                                      use_viridis = FALSE,
                                      sequential_direction = 1)
  list.out[["Enrichment_Heatmap"]] <- out$Heatmap

  for (name in names(input_gene_list)){
    if (isTRUE(verbose)){message(paste("Running permutation testing for list:", name))}

    # Retrieve empirical distribution.
    test.dist <- out$[, name, drop = FALSE]
    vect <- test.dist[, 1]
    names(vect) <- rownames(test.dist)
    test.dist <- vect
    list.out[[name]][["Data"]][["Empirical_Distribution"]] <- test.dist
    # Compute Null distribution
    if (isTRUE(verbose)){message("Computing permutations...")}
    # We want a null distribution with at least 1.000.000 permutations.
    wanted_permutations <- 1000000
    number_cells <- ncol(sample)
    nruns <- trunc(wanted_permutations / number_cells) + 1

    null.dist <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(sample))
    message("Computing iterations...")
    for (i in seq_len(nruns)){
      # Set seed in every iteration.

      genes.query <- input_gene_list[[name]]
      # First, create a replacement object.
      sample.null <- sample
      # Get the normalized data assay (sparse matrix).
      data.use <- Seurat::GetAssayData(object = sample.null,
                                       assay = assay,
                                       slot = slot)
      row.order <- rownames(data.use) # We want to preserve the original order of the matrix.

      # Subset out the matrix we do not want to reshuffle.
      data.keep <- data.use[-which(rownames(data.use) %in% genes.query), ] # Remove the input genes from the matrix.

      # Get the subset for reshuffle. <- data.use[which(rownames(data.use) %in% genes.query), ]
      # For each gene in the list of markers. <- list()
      for (gene in genes.query){
        # Get the scores.
        expression.scores <-[gene, ]
        # Permute the scores for all cells for that given gene.
        shuffled.scores <- sample(expression.scores, length(expression.scores))
        # As the cell names get shuffled as well, we have to change them back to the original order.
        names(shuffled.scores) <- names(expression.scores)[[gene]] <- shuffled.scores
      } <- Matrix::as.matrix(t(sapply(, unlist)))
      data.use <- rbind(data.keep, # Perform a rowbind of the two matrices (instead of directly modifying the first one, which takes forever to do)
      data.use <- data.use[row.order, ] # Reorder back the matrix.
      # Set the new matrix as the Assay data from which the enrichment scores will be computed on.
      sample.null <- Seurat::SetAssayData(sample.null, assay = assay, slot = slot, = data.use)
      # Compute enrichment scores, which will be the null distribution of the iteration.
      sample.null <- SCpubr:::compute_enrichment_scores(sample = sample.null,
                                                        input_gene_list = input_gene_list[name],
                                                        assay = assay)
      # Retrieve teh null distribution.
      null.dist[[i]] <- sample.null[[]][, name]

    # Assign the cell names back to the output matrix.
    rownames(null.dist) <- colnames(sample)
    list.out[[name]][["Data"]][["Null_Dist_Iteration_Vectors"]] <- null.dist
    # Prepare the data for plotting.
    data.plot <- %>% # Make the matrix into tidiverse accepted object.
      dplyr::mutate(Empirical = test.dist) %>% # Add the empirical distribution to the matrix of AddModuleScore() iterations.
      tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::everything(), names_to = "Distribution", values_to = "Enrichment") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(Distribution = ifelse(Distribution == "Empirical", "Empirical", "Null")) # Assign any name in Distribution that is not "Empirical" into "Null". By default, non-labelled df columns are named V1, V2...
    list.out[[name]][["Data"]][["Distributions"]] <- data.plot

    # Visualize the density plot of both distributions.

    p.dist <- data.plot %>%
      ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$Enrichment,
                                   y = ..density..,
                                   color = .data$Distribution,
                                   fill = .data$Distribution)) +
      ggplot2::geom_density(alpha = 0.5) +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 11, name = "RdBu")[c(1, 11)])) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 11, name = "RdBu")[c(1, 11)])) +
      ggplot2::xlab("Enrichment scores") +
      ggplot2::ylab("Density") +
      ggplot2::labs(title = paste0(name, " | Null vs Empirical distributions"),
                    caption = "P-value is, for a given cell and its empirical enrichment score,\n the proportion of values in the null distribution higher than it.") +
      ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Distribution",
                                                   title.position = "top",
                                                   title.hjust = 0.5)) +
      ggplot2::theme_minimal(base_size = font.size) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(color = "black",
                                                        face = "bold"),
                     axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_line(color = "black"),
                     axis.line.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(color = "black",
                                                         face = "bold"),
                     axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(color = "black", face = "bold"),
                     axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(color = "black"),
                     panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     plot.title.position = "plot",
                     plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold", hjust = 0),
                     plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0),
                     plot.caption = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 1),
                     panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     text = ggplot2::element_text(family = font.type),
                     plot.caption.position = "plot",
                     legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold"),
                     legend.position = legend.position,
                     legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold"),
                     legend.justification = "center",
                     plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 10, r = 10, b = 10, l = 10),
                     plot.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
                     panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
                     legend.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
                     strip.text =ggplot2::element_text(color = "black", face = "bold"))

    list.out[[name]][["Plots"]][["Distirbution_plot"]] <- p.dist

    # Generate the p-values for each enrichment score in the empirical distribution.
    num_permutations <- sum(data.plot$Distribution == "Null")

    null_dist_values <- data.plot %>% # Gather the null distribution.
      dplyr::filter(Distribution == "Null") %>% # Filter only the values for the NULL.
    null_dist_values <- null_dist_values$Enrichment

    if (verbose){message("Computing p-values.")}
    p.value.vector <- c() # Will store all the p-values and will become a column of
    # This might also take 10 minutes, since the vector is of 1 million data points to be suuuuuuper exact on the null distribution side.
    p.value.vector <- unlist(pbapply::pblapply(test.dist, function(x){
      greater_values <- sum(null_dist_values > x)
      p.value <- (greater_values + 1) / (num_permutations + 1) #
      names(p.value) <- names(x) # Assign the cell name to the p-value.
      p.value.vector <- c(p.value.vector, p.value) # Add the p-value to the output vector.

    # Generate a reporting matrix for the given permutation test. <- tidyr::tibble(Cell = names(test.dist),
                               Empirical = test.dist,
                               p.value = p.value.vector)

    # FDR correction.
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {message(paste0("Using the FDR cutoff of: ", FDR_cutoff))} <- %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$p.value) %>% # Order by ascending p-value.
      dplyr::mutate(p.value.adj = stats::p.adjust(.data$p.value, method = "BH")) %>% # Adjust for multiple testing and produce q-values.
      dplyr::mutate(significant = ifelse(.data$p.value.adj <= FDR_cutoff, TRUE, FALSE))
    list.out[[name]][["Data"]][["PlotData"]] <-
    list.out[[name]][["Data"]][["Null_Distribution"]] <- null_dist_values

    # Visualizations.
    # UMAP coloring the cells that surpassed the FDR correction.
    surpassing_cells <- %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$significant == TRUE) %>%
    list.out[[name]][["Data"]][["Satatistically_Enriched_Cells"]] <- surpassing_cells
    p.umap <- SCpubr::do_FeaturePlot(out$Object,
                                     features = name,
                                     use_viridis = use_viridis,
                                     viridis_color_map = viridis_color_map,
                                     viridis_direction = viridis_direction,
                                     sequential.palette = sequential.palette,
                                     sequential_direction = sequential_direction,
                                     legend.position = legend.position,
                                     font.size = font.size,
                                     font.type = font.type)
    list.out[[name]][["Plots"]][["Enrichment"]] <- p.umap
    if (length(surpassing_cells) > 0){

      p.selection <-SCpubr::do_DimPlot(sample,
                                       cells.highlight = surpassing_cells,
                                       plot.caption = paste("Selected cells for gene list: ",
                                                            " | Enriched cells: ",
                                                            sum($p.value.adj < FDR_cutoff),
                                                            "| FDR used: ",
                                                            " | Enrichment score cutoff:",
                                                            round(min($Empirical[sum($p.value.adj < FDR_cutoff)], na.rm = TRUE), 3),
                                                            " | Number comparisons: ",

      list.out[[name]][["Plots"]][["Selection"]] <- p.selection