NMF analysis

# Enrique Blanco Carmona
# e.blancocarmona@kitz-heidelberg.de
# PhD Student – Clinical Bioinformatics
# Division of Pediatric Neurooncology (B062)
# DKFZ-KiTZ | Germany

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Notes:
# The first half of this code, up to individual NMF signature generation and also the function for
# scoring metasignatures has been adapted from Volker Hovestadt's code.
# Methodology explained in: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6754173/

# The following code is strongly suggested to be run in a cluster, for each sample individually as a job.
# It can take easily 100+ GB of RAM for each unique sample in sample$orig.ident.

nmf_output_folder <- "" # Folder to store the results.
sample_index <- 1 # This will select the sample out of unique(sample$orig.ident). Modify this parameter as you run it on the cluster.

tumor_clusters <- c() # Vector with the clusters that form the tumor bulk.
sample.tumor <- sample[, sample$New_NMF_labelling %in% tumor_clusters]

# Center the genes over malignant cells.
sample.tumor <- Seurat::ScaleData(sample.tumor)

nmf.list <- BiocGenerics::lapply(unique(sample.tumor$orig.ident)[sample_index],

                                       # Subset the tumor population pertaining to the sample.
                                       tum <- sample.tumor[, sample.tumor$orig.ident == samp]

                                       # Re-center the genes for this sample.
                                       tum <- Seurat::ScaleData(tum)

                                       # Extract the count matrix.
                                       cts <- tum@assays$SCT@scale.data

                                       # Set negative values to 0.
                                       cts[cts < 0] <- 0

                                       # Remove rows without expression in this sample.
                                       cts <- cts[rowSums(cts) > 0, ]

                                       # Compute NMF for different K (i.e: signatures).
                                       # From 2 to 10 NMF signatures.
                                       k <- 2:10
                                       nrun <- 10
                                       seed <- 777 # Let's have some luck :P.

                                       # Run NMF.
                                       message(sprintf("Computing NMF for sample: %s", samp))

                                           nmf <- NMF::nmf(x = cts,
                                                           rank = k,
                                                           nrun = nrun,
                                                           seed = seed,
                                                           method = "snmf/r",
                                                           .options = "p4v")
                                           # Save the results.
                                           save(list = c("cts", "nmf"),
                                                file = paste0(nmf_output_folder, "_", samp, "_nmf2to10", ".RData"))


# Generate further directories for the results.
nmf_heatmap_summary <- sprintf("%s/signature_summary/", nmf_output_folder)
nmf_feature_plots <- sprintf("%s/feature_plots/", nmf_output_folder)
nmf_signature_heatmaps <- sprintf("%s/signature_heatmaps/", nmf_output_folder)
nmf_go_kegg <- sprintf("%s/signature_GO_KEGG/", nmf_output_folder)
nmf_top30 <- sprintf("%s/top30_genes_per_signature/", nmf_output_folder)
nmf_metaclusters <- sprintf("%s/metaclusters/", nmf_output_folder)

dir.create(nmf_heatmap_summary, recursive = T)
dir.create(nmf_feature_plots, recursive = T)
dir.create(nmf_signature_heatmaps, recursive = T)
dir.create(nmf_go_kegg, recursive = T)
dir.create(nmf_top30, recursive = T)
dir.create(nmf_metaclusters, recursive = T)

# Remove MT genes, as being a snRNAseq experiment they are prone to appear later on as meta-signatures.
# Retrieve MT genes.
mitochondrial_genes <- rownames(tumor_scaled)[grepl("^MT", rownames(tumor_scaled))]
# Filter out ribosomal genes.
tumor_scaled <- tumor_scaled[!(rownames(tumor_scaled) %in% mitochondrial_genes), ]

# Read in the individual NMF signatures.
lf <- list.files(nmf_output_folder,
                         pattern = "nmf2to10.R*",
                         full.names = TRUE)
nmf.list <- BiocGenerics::lapply(lf, function(x){

fi.names <- lf <- list.files(nmf_output_folder,
                                     pattern = "nmf2to10.R*",
                                     full.names = FALSE)
fi.names <- BiocGenerics::sapply(fi.names, function(x) strsplit(x, "_nmf")[[1]][1])
fi.names <- BiocGenerics::sapply(fi.names, function(x) strsplit(x, "^_")[[1]][2])
names(nmf.list) <- fi.names

message("Analyzing NMF signatures from k = 2 until k = 10.")
times <- 0
only_one_k <- FALSE # Check if only NMF was computed for only one value of K.
for (k in seq(2, 10)){
    message(sprintf("Using k = %s", k))
    times <- times + 1
    # Start a report.
    nmf_heatmap_summary_out <- sprintf("%s/k_%s/", nmf_heatmap_summary, k)
    dir.create(nmf_heatmap_summary_out, recursive = T)

    grDevices::pdf(sprintf("%s/%s_nmf%s.heatmap.pdf", nmf_heatmap_summary, sample_name, k),
                   width = 6,
                   height = 6)
    graphics::par(mar = c(4, 4, 4, 4))

    # Initialize empty lists to store data.
    list.cor <- list()
    list.top30 <- list()
    for (i in names(nmf.list)){
        if (only_one_k == FALSE){
            X.nmf <- nmf.list[[i]][["fit"]][[times]]
        } else if (only_one_k == TRUE){
            X.nmf <- nmf.list[[i]]@fit

        # Basis (metagenes).
        X.nmf.basis <- NMF::basis(X.nmf)

        # Exclude mitochondrial genes.
        X.nmf.basis <- X.nmf.basis[!(rownames(X.nmf.basis) %in% rownames(X.nmf.basis)[grepl("^MT", rownames(X.nmf.basis))]), ]

        colnames(X.nmf.basis) <- paste0("k", seq(ncol(X.nmf.basis)))
        X.nmf.basis.hc1 <- stats::hclust(stats::dist(X.nmf.basis), method = "average")

        # Plot heatmap.
                Rowv = stats::as.dendrogram(X.nmf.basis.hc1),
                Colv = NA,
                zlim = c(0, max(X.nmf.basis)),
                scale = "n",
                col = grDevices::grey.colors(1000, 1, 0),
                useRaster = TRUE,
                labRow = FALSE,
                main = paste0(i, ", base"))

        # Coef.
        X.nmf.coef <- NMF::coef(X.nmf)
        rownames(X.nmf.coef) <- paste0("k", seq(nrow(X.nmf.coef)))
        X.nmf.coef.hc1 <- stats::hclust(stats::dist(X.nmf.coef), method = "average")
        X.nmf.coef.hc2 <- stats::hclust(stats::dist(t(X.nmf.coef)), method = "average")
        heatmap(X.nmf.coef[rev(seq(nrow(X.nmf.coef))), ],
                Rowv = NA,
                Colv = stats::as.dendrogram(X.nmf.coef.hc2),
                zlim=c(0, max(X.nmf.coef)),
                col = grDevices::grey.colors(1000, 1, 0),
                main=paste0(i, ", coef"))

        # Top genes, just use basis.
        X.nmf.basis.cor <- t(X.nmf.basis)
        list.cor[[i]] <- X.nmf.basis.cor

        X.nmf.basis.top30 <- apply(X.nmf.basis.cor, 1, function(x) colnames(X.nmf.basis.cor)[order(x, decreasing = TRUE)[1:30]])
        list.top30[[i]] <- X.nmf.basis.top30

        Y <- tumor_scaled[as.vector(X.nmf.basis.top30), intersect(colnames(X.nmf.coef), colnames(tumor_scaled))] #
        Y <- Y - rowMeans(Y)  # re-center
        Y.hc <- stats::as.dendrogram(stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(1 - stats::cor(Y)), method = "ward.D"))
        #Y.hc <- stats::reorder(Y.hc, wts = colMeans(tumor_scaled[ribosomal_genes, ])-colMeans(tumor_scaled[c(x1, x2), ]), agglo.FUN = mean)
        #Z <- as.matrix(scaleMinMax(Y , -6, 6))
        Z <- as.matrix(scale(Y))
        heatmap(Z[rev(seq(nrow(Z))), ],
                Rowv = NA,
                Colv = as.dendrogram(Y.hc),
                scale = "n",
                zlim = c(0, 1),
                useRaster = TRUE,
                cexRow = 0.5,
                cexCol = 0.1,
                add.expr = graphics::abline(h = head(cumsum(rep(nrow(X.nmf.basis.top30),
                                                                        ncol(X.nmf.basis.top30))), -1) + 0.5), main=paste0(i, ", ", paste0(dim(Z), collapse="x")))
    save(list = c("list.top30", "list.cor", "nmf.list"),
         file = paste0(nmf_top30, "all_samples_nmf", k, "_signatures.RData"))
    list.top30.cbind <- do.call(cbind, list.top30)
    colnames(list.top30.cbind) <- unlist(BiocGenerics::lapply(names(list.top30), function(i){paste0(i, ".", seq(ncol(list.top30[[i]])))}))

                file = paste0(nmf_top30, "all_samples_nmf", k, "_signatures.txt"),
                sep = "\t",
                quote = FALSE)

# Define 2 custom functions.

# Define 2 functions.
## (supposed) input for "scoreSignature":
## X.center - centered expression matrix for all tumor cells
## X.mean - mean expression for each gene across all tumor cells
## s - signature genes

# Function from Volker Hovestadt.
scoreSignature <- function(X.center, X.mean, signature, n = 100, verbose = F) {
    if(verbose) {
        message("Number of cells: ", ncol(X.center))
        message("Number of genes: ", nrow(X.center))
        message("Number of genes in signature: ", length(signature))
    # Compute the signature score: A score per cell for the top 30 genes in this signature.
    s.score <- colMeans(# Compute the mean per column of the output so that you have 1 score per gene.
        do.call(rbind, # Concatenate the output row by row (gene by gene).
                BiocGenerics::lapply(signature, # Apply this function to each gene in the list.
                                     function(gene) {
                                         ## X.mean[gene] - X.mean => Substracts the median expression of the genes to the expression of the queried gene.
                                         ## abs(X.mean[gene] - X.mean) ==> Have it as absolute values.
                                         ## sort(abs(X.mean[gene] - X.mean)) ==> sort the values in ascending order.
                                         ## names(sort(abs(X.mean[gene] - X.mean)) ==> keep only the names of the sorted genes in ascending order with the lowest difference in expression values.
                                         ## names(sort(abs(X.mean[gene] - X.mean))[2:(n+1)]) Keep only the 2 to 101 genes (100 in totol) as control set (the 1st is the queried gene).
                                         g.n <- names(sort(abs(X.mean[gene] - X.mean))[2:(n+1)])
                                         ## X.center[gene, ] => The expression values of the queried gene in each cell.
                                         ## X.center[g.n, ] => The mean expression values of the control set in each cell.
                                         ## X.center[gene, ] - colMeans(X.center[g.n, ]) => Difference in expression between queried gene and the control set per cell.
                                         X.center[gene, ] - colMeans(X.center[g.n, ])
                ) # Therefore, this outputs a vector of the difference in expression values between the gene and the control set per cell.
        ) # Therefore, the outputs a matrix where columns are cells and rows are each of the queried genes.
        # Each row will contain the difference of expression between each queried gene and the control set, per cells.
    ) # Finally, this outputs the mean score of all genes belonging to the signature per cell.
    # In other words, it is the  difference expression values between each gene belonging to the signature
    # and the control set of genes, which is defined as the top 100 most similar genes in expression values between each queried
    # gene and the rest of the genes in the centered expression matrix for all tumor cells, averaged for each cell.
    # s.score = named vector with names = each cell and value = signature score for the cells.

# Adaptation from Volker Hovestadt function.
# Pretty much the same contept as scoreSignature but with a twist in the end. Instead of doing colMeans to get the average score for each cell for all of the genes in the signature.
# rowMeans to get the averaged score for each gene for all of the cells in the dataset provided.
scoreGene <- function(X.center, X.mean, signature, n = 100, verbose = F) {
    if(verbose) {
        message("Number of cells: ", ncol(X.center))
        message("Number of genes: ", nrow(X.center))
        message("Number of genes in signature: ", length(signature))
    s.score <- rowMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(signature, function(gene) {
        g.n <- names(sort(abs(X.mean[gene] - X.mean))[2:(n+1)])
        X.center[gene, ] - colMeans(X.center[g.n, ])

# The following code creates a list of heatmaps that will help you decide for which value of N (number of NMF signatures) is best.
# This is decided based on the number and quality of the groups in the correlation plot.

# List placeholder for plot outputs.
list_plots <- list()
list_nmf_signatures_heatmaps <- list()

for (k in seq(2,10)){
    # Read in signatures.
    print("Reading signatures.")
    message(paste0("Using k = ", k))
    nmf.sign <- read.table(paste0(nmf_top30, "all_samples_nmf", k, "_signatures.txt"), sep = "\t")

    # Calculate the scores for each signature in each cell.
    X.mean <- rowMeans(tumor_scaled) # Mean expression level of the scale.data dataset of the tumor bulk.
    sign.scores <- apply(nmf.sign, 2, function(signature){scoreSignature(X.center = tumor_scaled,
                                                                         X.mean = X.mean,

    # Correlate/Cluster signatures over all scores.
    corr <- stats::cor(sign.scores)
    range <- max(abs(corr))

    # Compute the heatmap.
    h <- pheatmap::pheatmap(corr,
                            color = grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdBu")))(100),
                            breaks = seq(-range, range, length.out = 100),
                            show_colnames = F,
                            treeheight_col = 0)

    # Store the heatmap.
    list_nmf_signatures_heatmaps[[paste0("nmf", k)]] <- h

# Modify this values accordingly
ind_k <- 10 # Final k for individual signatures to use.
meta_k <- 4 # Number of meta-clusters to derive from the signatures generated with ind_k.

nmf.sign <- read.table(paste0(nmf_top30, "all_samples_nmf", ind_k, "_signatures.txt"), sep = "\t")
X.mean <- rowMeans(tumor_scaled)
sign.scores <- apply(nmf.sign, 2, function(signature){scoreSignature(X.center = tumor_scaled,
                                                                     X.mean = X.mean,
                                                                     s = signature)})

# Correlate/Cluster signatures over all scores.
corr <- stats::cor(sign.scores)
range <- max(abs(corr))

h <- pheatmap::pheatmap(corr,
                        color = grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdBu")))(100),
                        breaks = seq(-range, range, length.out = 100),
                        show_colnames = F,
                        treeheight_col = 0,
                        cutree_rows = meta_k,
                        cutree_cols = meta_k)

# Colors for the metasignature annotation.
ann_colors <- colortools::wheel("steelblue", meta_k)
names(ann_colors) <- BiocGenerics::sapply(as.character(seq(1, meta_k)), function(x){paste0("Metasignature_", x)})

# Colors for the sample annotation.
samp_colors <- colortools::wheel("navyblue", length(unique(sample.tumor$orig.ident)))
names(samp_colors) <- unique(sample.tumor$orig.ident)

# Colors for the grade annotation.
subtype_colors <- c("#195A70", "#702F19")
names(subtype_colors) <- c("2", "3")

# List containing all colors.
colors <- list("Metasignature" = ann_colors,
               "Origin" = samp_colors,
               "Grade" = subtype_colors)

# Workaround to modify the names.
metaclust <- stats::cutree(h$tree_row, k = meta_k)
metaclust.s <- as.character(BiocGenerics::sapply(metaclust, function(x){paste0("Metasignature_", x)}))
names(metaclust.s) <- names(metaclust)
metaclust <- metaclust.s

# Annotation values for the sample of origin.
origin <- BiocGenerics::sapply(colnames(corr), function(x){substring(x, 1, nchar(x)-2)})
origin <- BiocGenerics::sapply(origin, function(x){stringr::str_replace_all(x, "[.]", "-")})
origin <- BiocGenerics::sapply(origin, function(x){stringr::str_replace_all(x, "-$", "")})

# Annotation vlaues for the grade.
subgroup <- origin
grade_2 <- unique(sample.tumor[, sample.tumor$grade == "2"]$orig.ident)
grade_3 <- unique(sample.tumor[, sample.tumor$grade == "3"]$orig.ident)

origin <- factor(origin)

subgroup[subgroup %in% grade_2] <- 2
subgroup[subgroup %in% grade_3] <- 3

cellwidth <- 10
cellheight <- 10

# First visualization of the correlation heatmap with annotations.
h.anno <- pheatmap::pheatmap(corr,
                             color = grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdBu")))(100),
                             breaks = seq(-range, range, length.out = 100),
                             show_colnames = F,
                             treeheight_col = 0,
                             annotation_col = data.frame("Metasignature" = metaclust,
                                                         "Origin" = origin,
                                                         "Subtype" = subgroup),
                             annotation_colors = colors,
                             cellwidth = cellwidth,
                             cellheight = cellheight)

# Copy  to modify the names. This can also be done to subset only given metasignatures if needed (hence, the .small naming).
metaclust_small <- metaclust

# Recompute the correlation.
corr.small <- stats::cor(sign.scores[, names(metaclust_small)])
range.small <- max(abs(corr.small))

# Rename groups if needed.
names_sign <- names(metaclust_small)
assign_sign <- as.character(metaclust_small)
# Rename the signatures accordingly.
assign_sign[assign_sign %in% c("Metasignature_3", "Metasignature_5")] <- "Metasignature_1" # Rename several metasignatures at once.
assign_sign[assign_sign == "Metasignature_6"] <- "Metasignature_3" # Rename individual metasignatures at one.
# Regenerate the metaclust_small object.
names(assign_sign) <- names_sign
metaclust_small <- as.factor(assign_sign)

# Recompute annotation. Same process as before.
ann_colors_small <- colortools::wheel("steelblue", length(levels(metaclust_small)))
names(ann_colors_small) <- levels(metaclust_small)

origin_small <- BiocGenerics::sapply(colnames(corr.small), function(x){substring(x, 1, nchar(x)-2)})
origin_small  <- BiocGenerics::sapply(origin_small, function(x){stringr::str_replace_all(x, "[.]", "-")})
origin_small <- BiocGenerics::sapply(origin_small, function(x){stringr::str_replace_all(x, "-$", "")})

subgroup_small <- origin_small
grade_2 <- unique(sample.tumor[, sample.tumor$grade == "2"]$orig.ident)
grade_3 <- unique(sample.tumor[, sample.tumor$grade == "3"]$orig.ident)

origin_small <- factor(origin_small)

subgroup_small[subgroup_small %in% grade_2] <- 2
subgroup_small[subgroup_small %in% grade_3] <- 3

samp_colors <- colortools::wheel("navyblue", length(unique(sample.tumor$orig.ident)))
names(samp_colors) <- unique(sample.tumor$orig.ident)

colors_small <- list("Metasignature" = ann_colors_small,
                     "Origin" = samp_colors,
                     "Subtype" = subtype_colors)

# Final visualization with the annotation fixed. It should look pretty neat.
h.small <- pheatmap::pheatmap(corr.small,
                              color = grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdBu")))(100),
                              breaks = seq(-range.small, range.small, length.out = 100),
                              show_colnames = F,
                              treeheight_col = 0,annotation_col = data.frame("Metasignature" = metaclust_small,
                                                          "Origin" = origin_small,
                                                          "Subtype" = subgroup_small),
                              annotation_colors = colors_small,
                              cellwidth = 10,
                              cellheight = 10)

# If the previous visualization is good, we can proceed with the metasignature assignment.
metaclust <- metaclust_small # Assign the good one.

# Compute a metasignature score for each of the metasignatures for each of the cells.
avg.sc.cell <- as.data.frame(BiocGenerics::sapply(as.character(levels(metaclust)), function(c) {rowMeans(sign.scores[,which(metaclust == c), drop = FALSE])}))

# Add the scores as metadata.
for (mc in colnames(avg.sc.cell)){
    scores <- avg.sc.cell[, mc]
    names(scores) <- rownames(avg.sc.cell)
    sample.tumor[[mc]] <- scores

# Assign to each cell the maximum score out of the different computed metasignatures.
# PLEASE NOTE: while this might give you a hint towards the different populations in the tumor bulk, the assignment might not be perfect.
# What if a cells is almost equally scored for several metasignatures? Use this as a first look, but not as a definitive result.
# For this, we recommend the use of the top 30 genes per metasignature paired with enrichment scores (shown afterwards).
sample.tumor$metaclust <- BiocGenerics::sapply(apply(avg.sc.cell, 1, which.max), function(x){paste0("Metasignature_", x)})
sample.tumor$metaclust <- as.character(sample.tumor$metaclust)

 # Compute the top 30 scoring genes per each metasignature
 final.sign <- list()
 for (mc in colnames(avg.sc.cell)){
     # c here is the FUNCTION to combine VALUES into a VECTOR.
     ## nmf.sign[which(metaclust == mc) => retrieve the signatures (top 30 genes) from nmf.sign that belong to the meta-signature with the scores per cell for those signatures.
     ## do.call(c, nmf.sign[which(metaclust == mc)])) => Generate a vector with the genes in each signature.
     ## unique(do.call(c, nmf.sign[which(metaclust == mc)])) => Avoid repeting genes.
     ## Therefore, sign is a vector of the unique genes present in all of the signatures that form the meta-signature.
     sign <- unique(do.call(c, nmf.sign[which(metaclust == mc)]))
     # Compute the gene scores for each gene for all the cells that were assigned to a given metacluster.
     gene.score <- scoreGene(tumor_scaled[, which(sample.tumor$metaclust == mc)], X.mean, sign)
     #expr <- rowMeans(Ec[sign, which(tumor.subs$metaclust == x)])
     top.genes <- sign[order(gene.score, decreasing = T)[1:30]]
     # Include the list of top.genes in the final signature list.
     final.sign[[mc]] <- top.genes

# Make sure to save both the metaclust and final.sign object.
saveRDS(metaclust, "") # Modify the path accordingly.
saveRDS(final.sign, "") # Modify the path accordingly.

# With the top 30 scoring genes per MS, one can do multiple downstream analysis to try to infer the properties of the metasignatures.